Wednesday, 29 July 2015


This is my maths for the week
It is the review for the test 


This is my Reading for this week
Walt:identify and examine the effect of launguage features of the text.
I learnt what a proverb is.
My next step is to know other features.


This is my speech of writing

Week 2 Term 3 Blogging

This is my Blogging for the Week.

My New Reading Goal is Learn Language Features. It is kinda hard.

My New Maths is Negative Numbers I haven't tried it out yet but I hope it is easy.

My New Writing goal is Capitals And Full stops I have done an activity on capitals and I'm waiting for the Full stops activity. My Ither goal is sentence structure because since I had no gaps I used it off my achieved.

My behavior in the Boys' class is going great I haven't been off task for the whole week.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015